Family businesses are great. You get to do what you love surrounded by the people…

Thank You TED Magazine
Another big thank you goes out to our friends at TED Magazine, especially their fantastic features writer Bridget McCrea for featuring us in their article, “Turning Your Best Business Ideas into Actions, Part II.”
Matthew Turner, founder of the Boston Turner Group and a marketing professional who worked for NxTrend, Infor Distribution Group, and Accellos, says getting employees involved with the idea generation, selection, and implementation process can make the difference between a successful effort and one that falls by the wayside within a few months (or even less).
TED Magazine, Turning Your Best Business Ideas Into Actions, Part II
Everyone involved in our system to business growth, Enterprise Velocity, is familiar with how we get teams working together for better decision making, higher levels of creativity and stronger alignment with values and goals. I appreciate the shout out for our ideas about turning to employees for idea generation, something that can be so easy to put into place and yet goes ignored in many companies.