Website Elements for a Successful Product Launch
On-boarding New PR Clients
Makasha Dorsey over at Solo PR Pro quoted me for a recent article on how to get PR clients up and running quickly. If you haven’t read her posts, you should. There are a ton of great posts for both consulting pros and internal teams.
62% Outsource Content
Are Customer Surveys Worth the Effort?
Customer surveys are hard to implement and if you do it wrong, you don’t end up with actionable data. Sure, it may be nice from a PR perspective that 95% of your customers get what they expect out of your support line; however, that doesn’t mean they feel any loyalty toward you at all. Giving them what they expect just means you didn’t upset them enough to leave.
Surveys fail for any number of reasons.
Naked On The Support Line

Whether you like it or not, social media has opened up your customer support lines to the world at large. If I can’t get your attention, or I just don’t like the way my support was handled, I just have to put my complaint into a 140 character tweet and add your company’s hashtag. If you’re not on Twitter, I’ll create a hashtag for you.
Millions of examples abound.
Here’s how the game is played:
An Easy Way to Stand Out with Customers and Friends
Public Relations and Social Media
The landscape of public relations and social media changes everyday. We like to think of social media simply as PR 2.0. Unfortunately, social media also means your missteps are amplified and communicated faster than in the days of PR 1.0. Now more than ever, you need an expert to help you navigate your way to success.
Here are some ways we can help you: