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Training is Critical for Surviving Hypergrowth

Why do some companies buckle under the intense pressures of hyper-growth while others thrive? The answer is that successful Enterprise Velocity companies have an engine, a deep corporate DNA that threads throughout the entire organization. That culture is created and sustained through a commitment to constant training.

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Are Customer Surveys Worth the Effort?

Customer surveys are hard to implement and if you do it wrong, you don’t end up with actionable data. Sure, it may be nice from a PR perspective that 95% of your customers get what they expect out of your support line; however, that doesn’t mean they feel any loyalty toward you at all. Giving them what they expect just means you didn’t upset them enough to leave.

Surveys fail for any number of reasons.

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Announcing Nurturama: Five Spots Available

There’s an interesting opportunity that you may want to explore.

During my time at Accellos and over the last decade, I saw the market for software solutions change dramatically. We’re seeing new competition, new solutions, new buying patterns and most importantly new growth for the first time in years.

That is why I’m posting this today.

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I will be heard

Naked On The Support Line

I will be heard
Photo Credit: Kimba Howard

Whether you like it or not, social media has opened up your customer support lines to the world at large. If I can’t get your attention, or I just don’t like the way my support was handled, I just have to put my complaint into a 140 character tweet and add your company’s hashtag. If you’re not on Twitter, I’ll create a hashtag for you.

Millions of examples abound.

Here’s how the game is played:

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A Lead Nurturing Playbook for Product Launches

Part III of the Series: 10 Ways to Untangle Your Product Launch

A while ago I was playing a mens doubles tennis match against a duo that was collectively 150 pounds heavier than my partner and me. The points on our side of the net were won with a lot of running, tight angles, drop shots and finesse. The points on their side of the net were won with blistering forehands aimed right at our faces. I think I still have a mark on my forehead that says “ProPenn 4.”

At the end of the very close match–each set went to a tie break–one of their players said, “That was like a battle of the piano players versus the piano movers.”

That’s kind of like lead nurturing.

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Enterprise Velocity

What is Enterprise Velocity? Grow or die. History shows that even great companies, from Polaroid to Zenith, from Kmart to Howard Johnson, are vulnerable to sudden collapse or erosion. In today’s competitive climate, new opportunities appear everyday for competitors and start-ups to change the rules and steal your revenue base. If you are not growing, you are shrinking…
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