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Stop Suffering From Constant Surprises

Without systems for measurement, blueprints for predictable and repeatable growth or tools for making and tracking decisions, you spend all your time fighting fires.

Surprises are bad for any business.

  • Losing a customer you thought was loyal
  • Getting hit by increased vendor costs and not knowing how to pass them along to your customers
  • Suffering the loss of a key employee
  • Watching most of your new deals stall to indecision
  • Facing new competition

Once a company enters fire-fighting mode, they never really recover without putting a real repeatable system in place. They spend all of their time solving the next big issue and none of their time creating systems that would prevent such surprised in the future. That’s why we spend so much time working with companies on a consistent, repeatable system in our business growth consulting.

Don’t Let Constant Surprises Derail You

Surprises in business are usually not much fun. But the reaction to surprises can be even worse. If you haven’t established your company’s ideals, you might break two new things for every surprise you try to fix. Do you find yourself overreacting to surprises and pulling employees off of your main company focus? Learn from your surprises, but put systems of responsibility, communication and measurement in place to correct them in the long term instead of overreacting and causing more problems.

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