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Dealing with Stalled Sales

Sales and marketing can be dangerous business.

One of the biggest challenges sales and marketing teams have faced during the recent economic downturn has been with deals stalling during the later stages of the sales funnel. Based on our research and 20 years of technology marketing experience, we’ve invented “Nurturama,” an innovative process that will help your organization progress and accelerate prospects through the buying cycle.

Transforming your sales and marketing strategies to incorporate these best practices will require changes in your process as well as investments in lead management tools. However, once these processes and tools have been adopted, the impact will be felt in the very near-term. The will compress by months in most cases, and the number of opportunities your sales team is working through the later stages of the funnel will multiply.

But the Nurturama process is not for the faint of heart. You need experience to get it right.

The reality for most businesses today is that optimizing conversion rates is a competitive necessity. Businesses can no longer afford to miss buying signals or to let potential buyers leak out of the sales funnel.

Will you join me for a limited webinar to discuss these issues?

Webinar: Seven Ways to Close More Deals

Or if your time is limited, spend 1.5 minutes with this video for a quick overview:

Video: How to Develop More Prospects

Photo credit: Kevan Davis
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